Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A little about our room...

Language Arts
We are reading a book called The Ugly Duckling. It’s about a family of ducks but one of the eggs was a lot bigger than the two other eggs and took a bit longer to hatch.The duck was ugly, it was very big and very unique compared to the other ducklings. All the other ducks, dogs, and people bared to look at him.They did not like him because he was not like the other ducklings, he was ugly,big,and not as cute as the other ducklings.Iater in the story the ugly duckling became a insanely pretty swan. He was a lot prettier than the others. In class we worked on our mentor sentences the first one was: Sarah’s hands were cold and clammy. Each day we have a different assignment to do for the sentence. Mondays assignment is called an invitation to notice, we noticed what makes the sentence a good one. On Tuesday we label each word in the sentence, for example red is an adjective so we label it adjective. On Wednesday we add more words to the sentence to make it more interesting. On Thursday we create a new sentence that no one has ever seen before, but we have to build it on the same structure. We did the same thing for all the other sentences.

In math we are learning about the properties of addition. Commutative: no matter how we order the addends the sum will be the the same. Associative: any way you group the addends the sum will be the same. Identity: when you add a zero to any number the sum is the addend that is not the zero.

We made bouncy balls using Borax, Cornstarch, Water, and Elmer’s white school glue. After about 2 days they got even more bouncy! We started a new project with rocks and only the teachers know what we’re doing and the students do not know. Earlier in the year we did a project called Save Fred where we put a gummy worm on top of a cup that we pretended was a boat, under the cup we put a lifesaver gummy, and we try to save the gummy worm into the lifesaver, the hardest part is we can’t use our hands.

       We started a website called Spelling City and you can study your spelling words in very fun and creative ways.You can play games and learn about what is going to be on your test and it helps you study. Every friday we have Tech time.We work on our androids with we created and put clothes on them and we also gave them hair.When we are done we change the wallpaper of our NetBook.We find a picture on the internet and save it and change it.

By Keira and Alexa

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